Raise Your Vibration.
Live Better With Less.

Simple Systems for Tidying up: "The Dora"
I’ve been thinking “in systems” since I was quite young. At times it felt like my brain would crave structure in the form of any sort of rules; anything from the intricate solving of puzzles, to creating new efficiencies in my everyday life. I’ve never not loved exploring puzzles; crosswords, Rubik’s cubes, Tetris, they all hold a special place in my heart. I even would take their concepts to apply...
Three Impactful Ways to Trick our Minds into Actually Clearing out our Closets
Shoes, clothing, bags. They all take up space. A lot of space. And even though they fit or look cute hanging there, sometimes we just never put them on. They become placeholders in a place that needs more space. And there they remain. Why is it we hold on to things that we don’t really reach for or wear?  And how do we send them off and feel okay about it? The irony of style is that we can often find...
Let's get Kids to Embrace Letting Go
    It appears as though children are these naturally chaotic hoarders. From the stuffed animals to the rocks and shells, or even what has been handed down to them. They appear to want it all, and then make this big fuss about letting any of it go. At times, it appears that they prefer to have a bedroom or playroom that is a total disaster and would much rather not bother to see the floor...
Three Big Reasons it Hurts to Let Go
  There is this universal knowing in all of us: that our home, or any space really, can change the way we feel in an instant. It has this unexplainable way of piling on stress, filling us with overwhelm, or on the other hand- motivating our supreme productivity. And if I go on to describe a space that feels calm, zen, or peaceful… your mind would quickly snap to an image of a space that...
Why Boundaries are the First Step to Simplifying your Stuff
The world doesn’t always teach us how to create healthy boundaries. Not directly anyways. Instead we learn the hard way. Through those rocky relationships, negative emotions, and tough conversations. But when we discover that our good feelings come above everything else, we are invited to show up for ourselves and not let it feel selfish. We get to uncover a new found freedom – a sense of clarity....
Two Simple Questions That Can Immediately Inspire Letting Go
When I look around my home, I often remark how grateful I am. It feels aligned with my essence of feeling calm and staying focused. It brings me sanity and peace when I need it most, and I must admit that it didn’t get to be this way overnight. Before I was truly organized, I wasn’t unhappy with my space but I did feel misaligned. I had things around me that I intuitively knew we’re only there because...

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